Ish haqi
Bandlik turi
Ish tajribasi
Ta'lim, o'qitish
Oliy ta'lim muassasasi (OTM)
Toshkent viloyati

Sizning so'rovingiz bo'yicha hozircha mos vakansiyalar topilmadi.
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Vakansiya yopilgan
E'lon qilingan: 03.02.2025

General Manager

To'liq ish kuni
Talab qilingan ish tajribasi: 5 yildan ortiq .
Talab qilingan ta'lim darajasi: Oliy bakalavr .


● create the country's long-term strategy based on local needs, opportunities, and regulations

● lead and grow a team of 70+ people

● take full ownership of P&L and business objectives

● oversee and find cost-effective ways to improve the budget spending

● develop a strategy to attract car fleets and private drivers, adapting it based on local specifics and insights

● find cost-effective ways to boost our drivers base and loyalty

● delve into the details, conduct in-depth analyses, and solve problems

● grow the Uklon brand - represent us in the local community and media

● advise and closely collaborate with HQ teams such as Product, Legal, or Marketing to develop and execute key initiatives


● at least 3 years of management experience in fast-moving environments, such as active growth startups, technology, and consulting firms etc

● successful experience running operations, bizdev deals

● experience in leading a cross-functional team of over 50 individuals, including hiring and participating in organizational restructuring

● a business-oriented attitude, goal-oriented

● analytical mindset for data-driven decision-making (data-driven/informed approaches)

● a jack of many trades who feels comfortable doing anything from hiring to support to product discussions;

● easily network with people of all backgrounds

● proven experience in leading negotiations for multi-million dollar contracts and the ability to build relationships with C-level executives

● experience in management PnL and control of budgeting processes across various departments and core functions of the company

● fluent in English, Russian, Uzbek is a plus

Условия работы:

● 8-hour working day, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday

● cooperation in accordance with the legislation of Uzbekistan

● knowledge sharing among the teams (lectures, trainings, mentorship programs)

● attending webinars, lectures with the participation of company speakers, etc.

If you are looking for a vibrant and ambitious product company aiming at development and global expansion,

if you are ready to further improve your expertise, join the Uklon team.

You can chat with recruiter - yelizaveta.belelia@uklon.com.ua


Asosiy ko'nikmalar

leadpeopleoperationsP&Lxushmuomalalikhisobot yuritishstrategyshartnomalar tuzish

Tillarni bilishi


Eng so‘nggi vakansiyalarni o‘tkazib yubormang!

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